Secretary - Sarah Berry
Fundraising Officer - Alison Ramsden
Trustee - Sarah England
The Kennford Playbox is run by a preschool committee made up of the parents and carers of children at the preschool for the benefit of the children attending. The committee organise all the fundraising activities throughout the year which enable us to purchase new equipment, games and activities for the children.
A committee is formed in June of each year to run the pre-school supported by an experienced manager and an accounting clerk.
The committee employ the staff whose role it is to manage the day-to-day operation of the setting.
Without a committee Playbox cannot operate, we need continued support from parents and the community to keep us going.
Represents and acts as a spokesperson for the pre-school.
Chairs meetings of the charity; including committee meetings, open meetings and general meetings, such as the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Sets the agenda for meetings together with the Secretary.
Co-ordinates the work of the committee to ensure effective administration.
Acts as the ‘Nominated Person’ for Ofsted purposes.
Line manages the Manager of the setting.
Supports other committee members and authorises the work of the Treasurer.
Ensures the committee are aware of the financial position of the charity, providing an up-todate written statement of accounts at committee meetings.
Ensures that all committee members are aware of their financial responsibilities and comply with the charity’s finance procedures.
Ensures that the committee apply the charity’s resources exclusively in pursuance of its charitable objectives.
Presents accounts to the members at the AGM.
Manages the charity’s bank account, updating the list of signatories as necessary.
Prepares in advance an annual budget, as agreed by the committee, and monitors it regularly.
Ensures that the charity’s financial records are maintained accurately and updated on a timely basis.
Arranges for the accounts to be checked annually and independently.
Reviews and returns any other financial reports as necessary.
This is largely done by the accounting clerk and is supported by the treasurer.
Next: committee meeting 24th April 25 - The Kenn centre, 7.30pm.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns to raise to the Committee please contact the Chairperson.
Where play begins and learning is fun!
Email: Telephone: 01392 833488
The Kennford Playbox, The Kenn Centre, Kennford, Exeter, Devon, EX6 7UE
Charity Number: 1034100 Ofsted Number: EY366991